Who we are
ÉFOÉSZ was established 40 years ago (Hungarian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability) as an umbrella body for organizations concerned with the care and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disability in Hungary. Currently, our organization represents 50 member associations, 25 local branches and 22.000 individual members all over the country and we run 9 community based settings.
Our vision
is to improve the lives and well being of people with intellectual disability in Hungary.
Our mission
is to work with and for people with intellectual disability so that their rights are upheld in line with international agreements (such as the European Social Charter, the UN Standard Rules…), by cooperating with government departments and other stakeholders and also by lobbying and working with and on behalf of people with intellectual disability.
Through its advocacy activities the Hungarian Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ÉFOÉSZ) only aims to raise awareness within society in order to support persons with intellectual disabilities to live independently and to be included in the community.
One of the main goals of ÉFOÉSZ is to represent the interests of the people living with intellectual disability and their families at national level and also in international organizations such as EDF, Inclusion Europe, Inclusion International. On the other hand, the objective of ÉFOÉSZ is to support persons with intellectual disability to have equal rights, equal opportunities and to lead a life without having to rely on others, while actively participating in social life as visible citizens.
Most important achievements
We take an active part in the work of National Disability Affairs Council, which is one of the consultancy organizations of the Government.
We organize national seminars, workshops and conferences (e.g. seminar for self-advocates, conference for parents of persons with multiple disabilities); we also publish a quarterly national newsletter called “Kapaszkodó” (which means “Handrail” in English) as well as different publications that address important issues in the intellectual disability area (e.g. on discrimination, human rights of people with intellectual disability).
We also provide legal assistance, family support service and other services (e.g. disseminating informations, important documents such as Madrid Declaration in easy-to-read version) for people with intellectual disability and their parents.
The local branches of ÉFOÉSZ provide social, educational and health services. They also organise cultural activities such as art and music festivals.
For more information, please, contact:
H-1461 Budapest, Pf. 301.
Phone/fax: +36 1 411 1356, +36 1 411 1357
e-mail: efoesz@efoesz.hu